Monday, January 27, 2014

Phone-hacking trial: Coulson 'told about hacking skills'

Dan Evans
Dan Evans is a former News of the World and Sunday Mirror journalist

A former journalist told ex-News of the World editor Andy Coulson about his phone-hacking skills at a job interview, the Old Bailey has heard.
Dan Evans told the phone-hacking trial he was shown how to hack phones at the Sunday Mirror and was recruited by the News of the World for those skills.
Evans is appearing as a prosecution witness at the Old Bailey trial, where actor Jude Law earlier gave evidence.
Mr Coulson is one of seven people who deny charges related to phone hacking.
'Taught to hack'
Evans said he told Mr Coulson at an informal job interview in a hotel how he could do "stuff with phones" to land cheap exclusives. "Andy knew what the context of it was," he said.
The jury heard Evans had pleaded guilty to hacking at the Sunday Mirror between 2003 and 2005 and at the News of the World up to 2010. He also pleaded guilty to misconduct in a public office between 2005 and 2010.
Evans also confirmed he had admitted intending to pervert the course of justice.
The court heard he entered into an agreement with the Crown Prosecution Service in 2012 and had given two statements since.
Evans said he had been involved in hacking at the Sunday Mirror for about a year-and-a-half from 2003 but it had been going on long before that.
Asked by Andrew Edis QC, prosecuting, what his job at the Sunday Mirror was, Mr Evans said: "I was a news reporter. Principally I was tasked with covering news events, investigations, undercover work, latterly with hacking people's voicemail."
Evans said he was taught to hack phones at the Sunday Mirror: "I was taken to one side... by a very senior executive and told that I was going to be tasked with something that was a secret and he proceeded to show me how to hack a voicemail for the first time."
He told the court he had been approached by a journalist to join the News of the World (NoW) in 2005. Phone hacking was discussed with the journalist when they first talked about a job at the NoW in a bar, the court heard.
He said: "Voicemail interception became part of the conversation. It was not referred to as phone hacking - that phrase did not exist then."
'Pet phone hacker'
But he told the court he initially did not want a job there to be the journalists' "pet phone hacker" when he wanted to do more investigations work.
Evans told the court how he met senior figures at the NoW - who cannot be named for legal reasons - over "beers" to discuss his move to the paper, including his skills at "voicemail interception".
He turned this job down after being given a pay rise to stay at the Sunday Mirror.
However, he said when he did finally join the NoW, after three approaches: "I was bringing phone-hacking techniques and methodology and bringing a list of hacking targets, how voicemails could be intercepted and general skills to perpetuate that activity."
He added: "The methodology of screwing around with people's telephonic data was a pretty standard tool in the tabloid kit."
Earlier, actor Mr Law told the trial the media seemed to have "an unhealthy amount of information" about his life. He also said photographers would turn up at places where he had secretly arranged to take his children.
Jurors also heard the News of the World paid a relative to leak information about the Hollywood star.
The trial, which began at the end of October last year and is due to last until May, continues.

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