Monday, January 20, 2014

Syria crisis: Iran cannot go to Geneva peace talks - US

Bashar al-Assad: Geneva "cannot replace the political process inside Syria"

The US has urged the UN to drop its invitation to Iran to join peace talks on Syria, due to begin on Wednesday.
US officials and the Western-backed opposition said Iran had not backed the aim of the negotiations, which was to form a Syrian transitional government.
The opposition National Coalition said it would pull out if Iran, a key ally of Syria's regime, went to the talks.
Meanwhile, Syria's president has reiterated that he will not share power with the National Coalition.
Bashar al-Assad said on Monday that the possibility of the National Coalition obtaining any ministerial positions in a new government was "totally unrealistic".
In an interview with AFP news agency, Mr Assad also indicated he was not going to quit as president and that he was likely to run for a third term.
The National Coalition had initially refused to attend the talks because they wanted a guarantee that any transitional government would not involve Mr Assad.
They agreed to join the talks only two days ago, but now say that they will pull out unless the offer of Iran's participation is withdrawn by 19:00 GMT on Monday.
Monzer Akbik, the National Coalition's chief of staff, said Iran's inclusion was against the promises they had received.
The coalition has "suspended participation" in the conference "until this invitation is withdrawn", he told the BBC's Newshour programme.
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said urgent talks were now going on to sort out the issue.
The peace conference is due to open in Montreux on Wednesday, and then continue in Geneva two days later.
The path to the talks began in May last year when Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry agreed to try to bring both sides together.
Later, the UN Security Council called for a conference to implement the Geneva communique - a deal on a transitional government agreed at a UN-backed meeting in 2012.
Mr Ban invited Iran to the UN-sponsored conference after he had received assurances that the Iranians would play a "positive role" in securing a transitional government.
Iran accepted the invitation to the talks "without preconditions".
The UN and Russia have long argued that Tehran should play a role.

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