Thursday, January 23, 2014

Uhuru Kenyatta trial: ICC delays start

Kenya's President Kenyatta in Nairobi on 12 December 2013
This is the latest in a series of hitches in President Kenyatta's trial

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta's trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC) has been postponed.
It was to have started on 5 February but the prosecution had asked for a three-month delay after a witness withdrew and another admitted giving false evidence.
Mr Kenyatta is charged with being behind the ethnic violence surrounding the presidential election in 2007.
He denies organising the clashes in which 1,200 people died.
A court statement said the February start date would be used instead for a hearing to discuss the prosecution's request for a delay.
This is the latest in a series of problems to hit the trial of Mr Kenyatta.
The trial had been due to begin on 12 November but was put back until February after September's attack on the Westgate shopping centre in Nairobi that left at least 67 people dead.
African leaders say the trial should not be held while he is in office, as it makes it difficult for him to govern.

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