Saturday, January 18, 2014

Mass start of the Epiphany holiday in Alexandria amid the heavy security

البابا تواضروس الثانى

Since the Mass began a few night feast of Epiphany Cathedral of St. Mark in Alexandria on Saturday evening, which is headed by the pope Twadharos Second, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Episcopate.

It is scheduled to receive the Pope's greetings from officials, statesmen and public figures in Alexandria Sunday morning.

On the other hand saw the vicinity of the cathedral in Alexandria spread to the security forces intensively, in preparation for receiving the Pope Twadharos to secure the celebration.

Mention, that the feast of Epiphany is a Christian religious ceremony commemorating Christ's baptism in the Jordan River, and will be held on January 19 of each year, corresponding to 11 bricks, according to the Coptic calendar.

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