Saturday, January 18, 2014

Military spokesman: 3 killed infidels and arrested three others in northern Sinai

المتحدث العسكرى العقيد احمد محمد على

Said Colonel Staff of Ahmad military spokesman , said that the elements of the law enforcement sector to secure the northern Sinai has Saturday morning , raided the areas of [ the village of Mahdia - Abu long - Ring Road ] cities " Rafah - Sheikh Zuid - Arish ," and managed to kill three of the elements incitements , while they were exchanging fire with the power of the raid , they are traveling in a car without license plates , and during the attempt , one of them to escape from the car by the forces of targeting him and found him on the machine gun , and 15 rounds of 7.62 * 39 , and Flash Memory contains videos of the elements takfiri .

The spokesman explained that the military forces had to deal with racists others searched the car and found inside it on a machine gun - a multi- machine gun ] .

He pointed to the troops managed to capture [3] of the elements of satisfaction and possession of Laptop Contains images of individuals carrying weapons and documents takfiri and enticing against the armed forces and the police ( in Abu long ) Sheikh Zuid and the burning and destruction [ 2 wagon - 2 motorcycle ] without metal plates used by groups in the terrorist attack on the elements of the army and police , and burning [17] hut used by terrorist elements as a springboard to carry out terrorist attacks against members of the army and police , and the destruction of [2] tank capacity of 50 tons of diesel intended for smuggling in Rafah area of Mahdia .

He said to " have been destroyed store jerry cans of petrol intended for smuggling a total of 3000 liters area of Mahdia in Rafah , blow up and destroy (5) slot tunnel to smuggle people and goods [ (3) Balnsf area of ​​the Unknown Soldier in Rafah - (2) equipment zones, ( fatty - Absoria ) ] .

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